Dial in to the AirSafe.com Conference Call Line

To use the AirSafe.com conference call line, please do the following:

  • Dial-In to the Conference Number 712-432-3100
  • Enter your Conference Bridge Number: 323888

    To find the time of the next call, please visit AirSafeNews.com

    Please keep in mind that portions of conference calls may be used in future AirSafe.com podcasts. Please review AirSafe.com's privacy policy for more information on how your information may be used.

    What is a Conference Call?: A Conference Call is any kind of audio call that involves more than two parties. Conference call services can be either used with land line telephones, smartphones, or through an online connection. You can probably connect to the AirSafe.com conference call line with one or more of the phone or online connection you normally use.

    What is a podcast?: The word podcast is a combination of the words 'broadcast' and 'ipod' and effectively means just that - a kind of show you would normally hear on the radio or television but instead downloaded to a portable audio device like an iPod. Podcasts can consist of digital audio , video or word files that you can download. Usually a single podcast will be part of a series of podcasts with the same theme.